Dach- und Sonderzubehör  Standard  Zink  - Zink

The outlet guides exhaust air safely and reliably into the atmosphere. Due to the built-in condensation collector, accumulating water is collected and thus prevented from entering the ventilation pipe.... more

Outlet vent with condensation collector

Nominal size
87, 100, 120

Not available in all sizes

Dach- und Sonderzubehör
Zink - Zink

The outlet guides exhaust air safely and reliably into the atmosphere. The vent cap protects the outlet vent from rainwater.... more

Outlet vent with vent cap

Nominal size
80, 87, 100, 120

Not available in all sizes

Dach- und Sonderzubehör
Zink - Zink

The outlet vent with baseplate guides exhaust air safely and reliably into the atmosphere. The vent cap prevents rainwater from penetrating the ventilation pipe. The flashing can be easily installed in tile or concrete brick covering.... more

Outlet vent with vent cap on baseplate with double-sided hem

Nominal size
80, 87, 100, 120

Not available in all sizes

Dach- und Sonderzubehör
Zink - Zink

The outlet vent with baseplate guides exhaust air safely and reliably into the atmosphere. The vent cap prevents rainwater from penetrating the ventilation pipe. The flashing can be easily installed in the slate or shingled covering.... more

Outlet vent with vent cap on baseplate without hem

Nominal size
80, 87, 100, 120

Not available in all sizes

Dach- und Sonderzubehör  Standard  Zink  - Zink

The vent cap prevents rainwater from penetrating the ventilation pipe.... more

Vent cap

Nominal size
50, 60, 76, 80, 87, 100, 120, 150

Not available in all sizes

Outlet vents from GRÖMO – No vapor from moisture.

Damage can evaporate.

Sometimes you just have to let off steam. This is different for houses than it is for people. What outbursts and short boxing rounds do for people, outlet vents do for roofs. They make sure that the exhaust from the ventilation and sewer pipes can be dissipated into the air.