Drain safely in accordance with DIN EN 612
In the DIN EN 612 “Eaves gutters and rainwater pipes made of metal sheet, terms, classification, and requirements,” the general features, designation, classification, identification, and quality requirements for roof drainage components are stated. This European standard applies to requirements of industrially made roof gutters and downpipes made of metal sheet.
GRÖMO roof drainage components are made according to EN 612. All specifications required under the standard, such as thickness or cutting of the material, are met in every respect, and in some cases significantly exceeded. This is what the GRÖMO star stands for as a symbol of quality and brand.
In the following technical specs and charts, we’ve edited DIN EN 612 for you as a simple overview so you can rely on the relevant specifications without too much effort.
Gutter outlets
Layout for conical inclined pipe
1Rainwater downpipes with nominal sizes 76 and 87 mm are also still accepted.
The cutting dimensions for the narrow side are to be exchanged.
2Cutting dimensions incl. added fold for 8 mm fold.
Adjustable outlet length

1 Roof projection a